pot holders? yes
I've always hated crotchet pot-holders and, indeed, crotchet in general. They remind me about dusty smelly kitchens with an elderly person at the window waiting for the onion soup to be ready (smell smell smell).
BUT - the trends change and I have to admit I am soooo out of fashion, by delving into some of the most interesting designers' work. Oh, my!
So. Ursina Gusy is a sort of feverish trend right now. All street-style bloggers shoot her with her bald (or bold) mate in the most fashionable events around Europe and US. And with a reason. She's beautiful. She's talented (speaking about matching cheap bargain clothes and expensive gear). She's brave.
Actually, how would another trend setter dare to stick his/her grandma's pot holders to a sweat shirt and simply go around Paris?
Whatever, she's still so fresh-looking...
The picture is from Jak&Jil.
Well, about pot-holders, how not to mention Hermine's work? She's just arrived in Paris, right from Antwerp - Belgium and she appears to be one of the talents of her generation, as far as knitting and waving and pot-holders making are concerned.
She produces lovely and unusual neon-coloured pot holders, carpets, pillow covers and fragments of fluffy material to keep you warm deep in your heart.
I especially love this selection, from her nice blog. And, apparently, the whole blogosphere is just waiting for her to open up a real shop with juicy items.
Some of her work was also photographed by the great Eefie and you can check out the entire shooting here.
The pictures are really pure magnificence and are all about white, bright wide spaces with flashes here and there.