Generally speaking, I am not a big fan of cats, nor I won't ever be. Truly, as a ten years-old girl I desperately wanted a kitten, as probably almost all pre-teenagers do. My mum, after ages of praying and begging on my knees, decided it was the time to please my desires. Unfortunately, the poor kitty-cat died few months after becoming part of the family, so I've never had the right time to get affectionated nor passionated about coddling a little fury one.
At the same time, while I letterarily spend tons of hours in front of fashion and design websites, I am not especially keen on comics or stripes or ironic and satirical writers who publish their products online.
Tonight, while I am pausing in front of my laptop instead of going to bed, Gemma Cottrell is in my heart.
I've been watching her creations for quite a long time, but I've never had the urge to comment it here.
However, this delay was a mistake. So now I dedicate a few lines to her committment and great results.
In short, Gemma is a young, brilliant and remarkable british illustrator who devoted her flourishing pop artworks to cats and funny comments on their humble yet interesting lives.
After posting drawn and painted notes about her daily routine in her blog, she's decided to grow up and make the jump.
Indeed, she has just turned all her opinions, remarks, tips, episodes with these fluffy and sometimes presumptuous creatures into a book I would like to order straight away.
I do not dare to add a word more, because the outstanding images speak per se.
I am laughing sincerely, frankly, at levels I rarely reach with well-known and accomplished authors.
Check out her and , please, have fun, too. Please.
And all the best to Gemma.